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Pic: Phil Yeomans/BNPS

Aquarist Jenna MacFarlane from the Blue Reef Aquarium with a gigantic oyster fossil that was accidentally trawled up by fishermen off Portsmouth is to be MRI scanned to see if it contains the worlds biggest pearl.

The prehistoric mollusc is more than 100 million years old and is ten times bigger than a regular oyster shell.

It was hauled up in the Solent and found in the nets of the trawler boat when it returned to port.

After layers of mud were washed off, it was clear the item was a huge fossilised shell that measured seven inches wide and three inches thick.

The shell of this size was nearly 200 years old when it died and could be concealing a pearl the size of a golf ball, dwarfing the size of an oyster pearl's found today.

Quão grande será a pérola dentro desta ostra? De acordo com o Daily Mail , os especialistas do Aquário Blue Reef, em Portsmouth, Inglaterra, estão tentando determinar exatamente isso.

Alguns especulam que o fóssil molusco teria uma pérola com 10 vezes o tamanho das pérolas em média e remonta a 100 milhões de anos. "Essa ostra esconde o que pode ser uma pérola do tamanho de uma bola de golfe."

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